There is none Good, save One that is God
This is from Brother Femi Olusesi, originally from Nigeria, who now dwells in Europe. He writes these beautiful messages on a regular basis; you can subscribe to his writings by emailing him at I will try and share these messages in this blog as I receive them from brother Femi. Dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ, “And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is , GOD”. As the year change over from 2018 to 2019 the wishes that I sent to Family members, Brethrens, Friends and everyone was “ As the year 2018 gets to a close, everyone plays it safe and wishes each other beautiful good things irrespective of their believes or faith, even those that do not believe in GOD also wishes good things not fully understanding what Good stands for (as they can never wishes one and another evil things), of which few people in this Earth do, as Good i...