The Mystery of Jesus Christ: God? Man? Both? Part 1
The Mystery of Jesus Christ the God-Man!
In part 1 of this teaching I would like to explain why Jesus is both The Creator, as well as a Creature, a created being; why He has a beginning, yet He is The Eternal God! He is the God-Man, fully God in Person, having Eternal Existence with no beginning and no ending, yet having a beginning in Body just about 2000 years ago. Essentially He has a beginning as Man but has existed forever as God! This may seem paradoxical but when we understand who Jesus is, it becomes clear that there is no paradox, and no contradiction in the fact that He has a beginning yet has existed Eternally.
John 1:1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John 1:14And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
The Word of God is like a software program, an encoding Language that defines who God is; when the program was executed, the person that appeared, that became visible was Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us that Thy Word is Pure (Psalm 119:140Thy word isvery pure: therefore thy servant loveth it); this means that there is no virus or corruption in God’s Word, which is why it is The Truth, and which is why it is God, for it can never be corrupted, it can never fail, it can never cease to exist. All human programs and languages have a virus built into them, which is why they inevitably fail; this is the real story of Babel: that it is impossible for us at present to use a language that is not corrupt. This applies to our spoken, and written languages, but more importantly to programming languages such as software programming languages that unlike God’s Word will always be corrupt.
Genesis 11:7Go to, let us go down, and there confoundtheir language,… One of the primary meanings of the word CONFOUNDin Gen. 11:7 is to Mix. In computer programming, a virus is something that is mixed in with the original program to corrupt the program, to make it malfunction. This is how God limited the abilities of man by reducing, rather by corrupting the information processing power of their minds, so that in this life, our programming capabilities will always be limited. This was done because Mankind is Evil by Nature, and with greater information processing capabilities, Man would only devise greater, and more destructive Evil technologies!
This understanding of Language and Programming in relation to God is a very complex one, which I have discussed in previous videos like the holographic nature of reality, but it is such a vast topic that it can not even begun to be fully understood in this life, nor possibly discussed in even a hundred videos. After all the Bible does teach that everything that exists is a product of the Word of God, a product of God’s Language, His Programming, His Encoding that defines everything that exists. John 1:3All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. Suffice it is to repeat here that everything that exists originates with The Word, originates in language, not in particles or atoms or molecules. We are all partial expressions of God’s Word, of God Himself but Jesus is the full Expression, He is the entire Program that is God, which is why He is fully God. Colossians 2:9For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. In a computer, what we see on the screen is the visible form of an invisible encoding language. This is the exact relationship between God the Father, who is invisible Spirit, the Intelligence, the Language, the Word that defines everything that exists, and the Godhead bodily is Christ Jesus, the only Begotten Son, the visible form of the invisible. Even our bodies are visible forms of an invisible language, which science calls DNA. Psalm 139:16Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them. The Body has to be written as a program before it can come into existence, and the Person that writes the programs of all of our bodies is God! So, once again, it is the invisible that underlies all that is visible. One of the main purposes of Creation was for the invisible, the unknown, and unknowable God to make Himself Visible, to make Himself known through His Word.
The Word is apart from God, as John 1:1tells us that the Word was with God, yet The Word is an inseparable part of God. This is how we understand the relationship between God the Father, and The Son of God, Jesus Christ. Though they are two, one who is Spirit, and one who exists in Bodily Form, yet they are both the Word, the complete and full language and programming of God, which is what makes them One. As I said before, this topic is far too vast to be covered in a short video, so I will keep discussing it in many future videos. Psalm 119:89tells us that For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven. There are many stories of The Holy Grail, upon which books have been written, and movies have been made such as Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade movie. The real Holy Grail is not a cup but the Word of God, which is what creatures like Lucifer attempted in ages past to try and steal from Heaven. This was the real reason why Lucifer wanted to ascend into Heaven to steal The Word so that he himself could become God. Little did he realize that The Word is Pure, The Word is Good, The Word is Light, The Word is Life, The Word is The Power that destroys Evil, it cannot be controlled by Evil. The only ones to whom the Word of God, and its Power to bring Life is available are those who have been predestined and chosen by God before the foundation of the World to believe in The Word by believing in the Word made Flesh, who is Christ Jesus. And those who truly believe in Christ do not seek to destroy Him, they would rather lay down their lives defending Him, and His Word. Please take note that I said they would rather lay down their lives defending the Word of God, not that they would take the lives of others.
These new creatures in Christ, chosen of God, are the begotten Children of God, they understand The Love of God, which is the ultimate expression of the Word of God, and therefore they Love God as He loves them. Anyone who attempts to wield the Word of God without believing in His Word will ultimately be destroyed by the same Word. In the Raiders of the Lost Ark movie, the archaeologist who attempted to unlock the power of the Ark of God by dressing up as a priest of God met a very fiery end. This is also what happened to Lucifer, who crashed and burned as he attempted his ascent up into Heaven but ended up meeting a very fiery end! The Word of God is Life to those who Believe in it but those who want its Power but do not Believe in Him who is The Word, will ultimately be destroyed by the same Word that they want so badly!
So, Jesus is God because He is the complete, full, and visible expression of The Word of God, the Execution of the Program that defines God in all His fullness, not just partially. All the begotten children of God are partial expressions of the Word of God, Jesus alone is the full and complete Expression of The Word, which is why He alone is fully God. This is also how we understand that in Body He is the Son, in Person, He is identical to The Father, which is why He is God. He told Philip that whoever has seen the Son has seen the Father. John 14:9Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; …
Although the Son is not the Father, yet He is the same Person as the Father. This is easily understood in any human family; there is only one Father but the son or sons can be identical to the father in their persons; in their understanding, in their thoughts, in their actions, which is where the expression Like Father, Like Son comes from. In the case of Jesus, He is not just like the Father, He is identical and indistinguishable from The Father because He is the complete visible expression of the Father, not as the Body but as the Person of God. Hebrews 1:3Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person,…One of the definitions of the wordPerson, which is the Greek word hupostasisis Substance, what really exists under any appearance, reality, essential nature(Heb 1:3, "the express image" or exact expression of God's essence or being, i.e., of God Himself). It literally means that Jesus is a clone of God, not in His Body but of the Person of God, which is defined, and made known to us by the Word of God. This is why Jesus, as the Son, begotten of God is both a Creature, and the Creator. In Body He is a creature, for His Body has an origin, it came into existence roughly 2000 years ago. However, the Person that dwells in that Body is the Eternal Word of God, which is God. So, in Body Jesus is a Man, but in Person He is The Eternal God. So, as the Bible tells us He is both the Beginning of God’s creation, yet He is the Eternal God. Revelation 3:14And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;
This is also why the Catholic doctrine of the Trinity is a false doctrine; there are no three gods in one, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
The Bible never uses the term God the Son, it always identifies Jesus as the Son of God not as God the Son; similarly, we read about the Spirit of God many times in the Bible but not God the Holy Spirit. The Word of God is God; and there is only Word that is God; this Word that defines God can be replicated, or cloned, into any number of creatures; God can literally make millions of clones of Himself but they will all be identical to His Person, and though they may be millions, there will still be only one God, the same God that dwells in them, that defines who they are, and that definition is based on the ONE WORD OF GOD. There are no multiple Words of God, there are no Three Words in One, there is just the One Word, and therefore just the One God. Deut. 6:4is a very famous verse of Scripture, it was especially esteemed by the ancient Israelites: Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord:… Jesus Himself quoted this Scripture in Mark 12:29‘And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:’…, and in Mark 12:32it reads: ‘And the scribe said unto him, Well, Master, thou hast said the truth: for there is one God; and there is none other but he’…
Romans 3:30Seeing it is one God, which shall justify the circumcision by faith, and uncircumcision through faith.
1 Corinthians 8:4As concerning therefore the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is none other God but one.
Galatians 3:20Now a mediator is not a mediator of one, but God is one.
Ephesians 4:5One Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.
This Scripture in Ephesians explains rather well that no matter, how many vessels God downloads Himself into, there will still only be One God. The vessels may differ, but the content of the vessels is the same, which is the One God. This applies to Jesus Christ, as much as to any of the other sons of God, who have been born again into The Kingdom of God through Faith in Jesus Christ. There may be millions of vessels but still only The One God who inhabits all the vessels, for they have all been programmed with the One Word of God.
1 Timothy 2:5For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
Here is a confirmation of what I have teaching in this lesson that Jesus Christ is a Man, but as a Man He has a beginning. He was born as a Man about 2000 years ago. But He is also God as we can read in 1 Timothy 3:16And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. Philippians 2:6Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God….
What we understand here is that The Body of Jesus is a vessel, which is human in form, but in this vessel dwells not the person of a man, like Adam, but the Person of God as we read in Hebrews 1:3. So, the Body may be that of a Man, but the Person is that of God. The question is how many persons, meaning how many personalities, how many different characters does God have? The answer is there is only ONE Character, that is the Character of God. The word Image in Heb. 1:3where it reads that Jesus is the Express Image of God’s Personis the Greek word Charakter, from which the English word Characterhas been transliterated. So, in the case of Jesus Christ, God made a Body in which he placed a Person; this Person is God’s Express Image, or an Identical Clone of God’s Person, an identical clone of God’s Own Character. Everything that makes God God is defined by the Word of God. So, in the Person of Jesus Christ was programmed the Entire Word of God, all of God’s Person was downloaded into Jesus, and therefore Jesus is fully God, although He has the Body of a Man. So even though The Father and the Son are two, yet the person that dwells in them both is the same, is One Person not two! This is how the Invisible God became Visible, by replicating His Own Character, His Own Image, His Own Person in a visible being, a being of Flesh. The Word was made Flesh may also be read as God was made Flesh; that God Incarnated Himself. However, that does not mean that suddenly there was a second God, which is what the doctrine of the Trinity falsely teaches but it simply means that God had now taken a form that He did not previously possess.
God is one, and He will never be Two, at least in person, so why did He want to clone Himself into more beings than one? The Answer to this question is found in Genesis 2:18And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
Adam, as the father of Mankind, is a type of God the Father. When he was first formed, Adam was the only man, there were no others of his own kind with whom he could share his life. Adam is the father of mankind, but in the beginning he was not a father, he was not a husband, he was not a friend; in other words, there was no one else that he could relate to, with whom he could have relationships.
This meant that there was no one of his own kind for him to love, and to be loved by. Sure, there were animals that he could have a limited relationship with, just as humans and their pet animals can have a relationship, but this relationship is never as fulfilling as that between two people; between a man and his children, between a man and his friends, but especially between a man and his wife, where both husband and wife love each other. Adam’s life was enriched by his relationship with his wife, and later with his children because it is through relationships that we share ourselves with each other. It is the giving of oneself, which is what love really is, that our lives become meaningful and fulfilling. We complete each other by loving each other. This is why it was necessary for Adam to have someone of his own kind with whom he could share himself: share his knowledge, share everything he was given, share himself, in body, soul, and spirit. Otherwise, what was the use of having everything that he had, if he no one to share it with? We learn much from the story of Adam and Eve, of how they were two but in uniting with each other, they became one, and in becoming one, they multiplied and birthed the whole family of mankind.
What is true of Adam is also true of God; God is called the Father of all, as for example in Ephesians 4:6One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. In John 1:1we read: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. This could be read as ‘In the Beginning was God’…, so, if God alone existed in the beginning, how could He be a Father? How could He have a family - Children, Spouse, Friends? As I stated several times in this teaching, God’s Understanding is Infinite; God is All-Powerful, called Almighty, and Omnipotent in the Bible; but above all, God is Love! In the Beginning, who did God have to Love, or to be loved by? Who could He be a Father to? Abraham is called the friend of God, how could God have friends if no one else existed but He? In Isaiah 54:5, God called Himself the Husband of Israel: For thy Maker is thine husband; the Lord of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called. How could He be a Husband if no one existed that He could be espoused to? Ultimately, how could He Be Love if no existed for Him to Love?
From Adam and Eve’s story, we learn the value of family, and of relationships. The whole purpose of Creation can be summed up in one word: RELATIONSHIP. Love can only be expressed, can only be given, and received, through relationships. Love is the ultimate expression of Life; Where there is love, Life will be multiplied; this is why God told Adam and Eve to be Fruitful and Multiply. As they loved each other, as they gave themselves to each other, not only would their own lives be enriched, and fulfilled, they would multiply and reproduce more Life. This is the reason why God did not make Mankind grow up out of the ground like trees, which He could have easily done, but He made them Male and Female. This is how they would multiply Life through Love. Love leads to reproduction of Life, one become two, two becomes four, and so Life increases exponentially, meaning the more one loves, the more there will be to love, and to be loved by. It is understood that in this evil age, Love is rather rare, but that does not negate the Principle that Love reproduces Life.
What is true of Adam is also true of God Himself. In the Beginning, God was One, and Alone like Adam; as in case of Adam, it was not good for him to be Alone, so too, it was not good for God to be Alone. For God to be Love, He needed to reproduce Himself, to make more of Himself, so that He would have those of His Own Kind to Love, and to be Fruitful, and Multiply. 1 John 4:16And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him. GOD IS LOVEhas no meaning where there exists no one for God to Love! The purpose of Reproduction, literally to make copies of oneself, it to have more of one’s own kind to love, to share with, and to have relationships with. This is true of God, and Man, just as Adam had no one to Love and Share Himself with in the beginning, so too, was God Alone in the Beginning. Just as God concluded that it was not good for Man to be Alone, we can also conclude that it was not good for God to be Alone before the Beginning. Just as it was good for Adam to have a family to share himself with; so too, it was good for God to have a family, which is why there was a Beginning, which is why God created His Creation with the intent of Reproducing Himself!
Just as Adam could not have a complete relationship with creatures that were not His Kind, that were not His Species, so too, could God not have a complete relationship with creatures, like Man, or even Angels, because they are not His Kind, they are not His Species. MAN-KIND was chosen to be the Race from whom would come, in the process of time, a new Kind, a New Species, New Creatures that would no longer be Man-Kind, or Angel-Kind, or any other Kind but they would be God-Kind. Only God Can Love God fully, so, it was necessary for God to reproduce Himself; Man cannot Love God as God Loves Man, so Man-Kind was only a transitional Race from whom would come forth a New Race, a God Race, a God Species, A God-Kind, that would Love God, as much as He Loves Them. This Race of New Creatures in Christ alone is a Help that is Meet for God. Adam and his race were not helps that were Meet, or Suitable for God, for they are Man-Kind, Man Species, not God-Kind or God-Species. After God made Adam, and all the animals, there was no Help found that was Meet or suitable for Adam because none of the animals were of His Own Kind, were not of Adam’s Species, they were not the Species of Man. The Bible tells us that God is not a Man, Numbers 23:19God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent:…
So, God and Man-Kind are two different Species, and therefore, it is impossible for a suitable Help, or a Partner, that can be a Spouse to God to be found from amongst the Species of Man; just as a suitable Help, or Partner for Adam could not be found from the species of monkeys or chimpanzees!
In order for God not be Alone, He needed to make more of His Own Kind, more of His Own Species. This was the only way for Him to have a Race of God beings, who would be capable of Loving Him equally, as much as He Loves them. At the expense of beating a dead horse, I want to repeat that two different Species, two different Kinds cannot have a relationship of equals. A dog may love his master but their relationship is not same as that between the man and his wife, or between the father and his children; it will always be an unequal relationship because the two species are not equals. This is similar to the relationship between God and Man; God is like the master, and Man is like the pet; it is impossible for Man to Love God on God’s Level, just as it is impossible for a dog to love his master as the Man’s wife might Love Him. So, in the Beginning, God was Alone, but for Him not be Alone, He needed to reproduce Himself, to make more of Himself, so that He would have More to Love, and more for Him to be Loved by.
Furthermore, God being Invisible, and unknowable in the form of Spirit, it was first necessary for God to make Himself Visible, to make Himself known. How could anyone know that God is Love if God never demonstrated His Love? And how could He demonstrate His Love if He was Himself Invisible, if it was Impossible for anyone to ever see Him or know Him? So, before God could make Helps that were meet for Him, that were qualified to be His Spouse because they were His Own Kind, He would need to make Himself Visible. This is who Jesus Christ is; He is God Made Visible; having made Himself Visible, it would then become possible for God to have relationships. In order to have relationships, in order to have a Family to Love, and to be Loved by, God would need to create a God-Kind of Race, God-People, God-Species, a Race that are the Express Image of His Visible Self, just as Jesus Christ is the Express Image of the Invisible God. This process of God reproducing Himself by cloning His Image, His Character, His Person, by Programming the Minds and Hearts of His Offspring to be identical to His Own Heart and Mind is not a simple process. This is the part of Creation which was laborious for God because it involves Pain and Suffering, ultimately the final suffering of Pain, which is Death. God labored because He Himself suffered the Pain of Birthing this New Race, these New Creatures in Christ that alone are worthy of being Helps that are Meet for Him, that are bone of His Bone, and Flesh of His Flesh, just as Eve was bone of Adam’s bone, and flesh of his flesh. In order to accomplish this goal, the Invisible God in the Form of Invisible Word, had first to be made flesh, had to first take bodily form, so that in turn, He could have a Body with which He would interact with others of His Own Kind, through which He would have a relationship with those who would be His own Body, just as Eve was every bit a part of Adam’s body. It was necessary for God to exist in Bodily Form, for it is the Body through which the Love that is in the heart is given expression. So, when Jesus arose from the dead, God had taken Eternal Bodily Form, and this Body would multiply just as Adam’s body multiplied, and thus God would no longer be Alone but would have a vast family of His Own Kind to Love, and to be Loved. Mission Accomplished!
I will end this part 1 of this teaching here by summarizing that Life becomes Fruitful through Love, Life multiplies through Love. Man-Kind does not Love, which is why Mankind dies; comes to an end. The Bible tells us that Love never fails; it never comes to an end because real Love, God’s Love is always growing; Life grows and multiplies, or Life comes to an End. And Life grows through Love, by giving Love; God is Love, and those who are the Begotten Offspring of God, they too are Love like God is Love. So, when God gives them Love, they give that Love right back, and thus they have a relationship of Equals. Man in his present state does not Love God; as a matter of fact, man is hardly capable of love, he is filled with hatred, for himself, for his fellow man, and for God. However, it is from this race of hate filled, murderous killers that God has brought forth Himself in Visible Form, in Bodily Form, and is giving birth to a New Species of God-Kind of beings; these are the New Creatures in Christ, a New Kind, a New Species, a New Race, that is a God-Race of Eternal beings that are incorruptible in Body, Soul, and Spirit for there is no evil in them, there is no virus in them that can ever destroy them, they are Pure like God is Pure. All I can say is Wow! What an amazing story, except this story is not fiction, it is the Absolute Truth. In part 2 I will address the topic of Pain, Suffering, and Death, as to why God Himself needed to experience Pain, Suffering, and Death before these New Creatures in Christ, these New Creatures in God could be brought into existence. The process of bringing forth this new Species of God beings was not as simple as forming man from the dust of the ground, and breathing into his nostrils the breath of Life. No, these new Kind of God beings need to be programmed with the Divine Nature, with the Nature of God, with the Person of God, with the Character of God. And this could not be done without the Knowledge of Good and Evil, without allowing Evil to come into Existence, which in turn would bring Pain, Suffering, and Death! Let me end here by reading from 2 Peter 1:4Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
When the Nature of the creature becomes Divine, then the creature becomes God-Kind. Mankind does not have the Nature of God, he has the nature of man, and the nature of man is evil. In order for Man to be programmed with the Divine Nature, with God’s Nature, the nature of Man has to be overwritten with the Nature of God. In the end, nothing of man will be left in man, but God will be all in all, and therefore the New Creatures in Christ will cease to be Mankind, and will have been transformed, will have been metamorphosed into God-Kind, just as a caterpillar is metamorphosed into a beautiful butterfly. The Programming of God’s Divine Nature in those who are born again into the Kingdom of God through Faith in Jesus Christ automatically overwrites their human nature. So ask yourself this, when this process has been completed, and the Man nature, the nature of jealousy, envy, hatred, selfishness, and such human evils has been replaced completely by the Divine Nature of God’s Love, will that person then be Mankind, or will he will be the New Creature, the New Species of God-Kind? Thank God that the work He is doing in us is going to be a complete work; John the Baptist said in John 3:30He must increase, but I must decrease. As the Divine Nature increases in us, our human nature continually shrinks and decreases like a block of ice under a hot sun. The Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 7:18For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not. Those of us who understand our own human nature, know fully well that in us dwells NO GOOD THING, but the Good News is that God also knows this, and He has Himself begun a work in us that He will Perform until the Day of Jesus Christ, when it will be completed, whereby nothing of our Man-nature will remain in us, all that will remain is the Divine Nature! Nothing of the man will remain in us, all that will remain will be God.
Phillipians 1:6Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:
As promised in Phil. 1:6, God will finish the work that He alone has begun, and we can read in
1 Corinthians 15:28And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all. When God is ALL in ALL, how much of the man will remain? The answer is nothing that we are at present, the creatures that we are in the flesh will remain. Let us give thanks to God on our knees for this Great Work that He alone is doing in us, for unless we become God-beings in our Nature, in our Characters, become Love as He is Love, we can never inherit the Kingdom of God.
Thankyou . I will invest alot of time this week for this study.